homeshopvisionIndiaSan FranciscoVeniceManhattan B
The Peace Partners

Practicing regular meditation on the personal and communitarian levels to facilitate the awareness of the Divine Breath that permeates our entire being and pervades the whole cosmos.

Reaching out to those who need the divine healing touch

Building a local community of peace

Responding non-violently at all levels to the increasing violence

Acknowledging that mindful walking leads to the realization that peace is the way.

Following an inclusive approach that draws on resources of all faith traditions as well as the healthy aspects of science and technology

Networking with other Peace Meditation groups and collaborating with other groups of peacemakers as part of a global movement for peace.

Forging a partnership for peace between USA and India through intercultural exchange programs

Sowing seeds of peace and justice from the perspective of the poor and marginalized

Fostering awareness that justice and peace are intimately connected with integrity for the environment

Highlighting the potential of women, eastern approaches in promoting a culture of dialogue, harmony and peace

Using interplay, art, humor, song, dance, meditation as creative ways of promoting peace.


yoga outside yoga guy





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Links for Peace

Peace Prayers